The Lies of Transhumanism
The Lies of Transhumanism
When humanity attempts to transcend God
I am no scientist or computer analyst, yet this does not compute with me.
How do the most wealthy of the world think they can set out to reverse the process of death and find the fountain of youth? They believe that technological rejuvenation can achieve life immortal or that computerization will eventually be able to far surpass human intelligence. Through conceited, self-directed knowledge, this belief is exalted and provides a way to avoid spiritual and moral boundaries.
The desire to alleviate suffering to improve the quality of life is truly purifying in motive when gleaned from God's perspective, but the culture of transhumanism thinking asserts that heights of ingenuity achieve eternal redemption by man's power.
Transhumanism is predicated on three lies that Satan told Adam and Eve in the Garden and that man has come to believe:
Genesis 3:4-5“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”
I. That man can become indestructible or invincible. That is exactly the opposite of what the All-mighty creator had said would happen as a result of sinning and rebelling against Him. (Genesis 2:17)
II. That man can possess knowledge that only a perfect God has.
God is omniscient. He has perfect and complete knowledge of all things. He does not have to learn anything as we do. He forgets nothing. Our knowledge can never measure up to God’s. Omniscience is characteristic of deity, which is something we cannot make of ourselves. (Romans 11:34)
III. That man is all-powerful with creative ability as great as God. Humanity cannot exceed the power, design, purpose, and mind of God. It is deceiving to think man has sovereign rule superior or equal to God. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
Could one immortalize life without the need for God? Machines cannot eliminate inner conscience. Human beings still sin and are flawed even with technology. Thinking that one can achieve sinful absentia without God is deceiving (1 John 1:8). The more-than-human advancements, merging man with machine technologies, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, genetic engineering, neurological prosthetics, and implantation never transcend human limits to achieve immortality of the body, soul, or spirit. We give glory and praise to God for the intellect He has blessed us with, but the eternal significance is within the context of eternal life through a relationship with God. Only God can eternally reverse sin effects such as loneliness, sadness, ignorance, aging, and death. Technology fails at times and is temporary; God is eternal and dependable.
Transhumanism, a religious attempt exalting human effort against the knowledge of God, reflects a decline toward anti-Christ deception, failing to recognize the eternal worth of retaining God in knowledge. Confronting and averting the authority, Word, Wisdom, and judgment of God with technological knowledge is as foolish as using ingenuity to try to build a tower tall enough to reach Heaven itself. History has taught us that this kind of thinking will scatter and confuse those who think that God will give His glory to another (Genesis 11). It is much more fulfilling to entrust the problems of the body, soul, and spirit to the truth, power, and perfect knowledge of the eternal God of the Bible (Job 19:25-26).
Brian Balzamo is the pastor of South Baptist Church of Staten Island, New York.
The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Reason Together Podcast.