Feminism: Destroyer of Worlds - Part 4
In part one, I covered the history of feminism.
In part two, I addressed common ways feminism presents itself within the church.
In part three, I began addressing solutions and preventions.
Yea hath God said...? — Genesis 3:1
Lies have been a tool of Satan to entrap women from the beginning. Today, we just call it feminism.
If you've been following this series, you hopefully may have learned some things you didn't know. In case you're still waiting for that, it's now time to expose the lies of feminism. There is likely at least one of these you probably haven't considered. Brace yourselves.
1. Feminism lies about the strength of women.
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. — 1 Peter 3:7
Many skip over the fact that husbands are told to honor their wives in this passage because they're too busy freaking out about the word “weaker.” This does not mean inferior. It means weaker physically.
It is an incontrovertible truth that on average women are physically weaker than men. Men then find their fulfillment in the protecting of women. Feminism screams that they don't need men because they are the same as men, but then they demand different treatment.
An example of this is asserting women's equal rights to be in the military at the most elite levels, but then changing the standards for them. And let's not talk about the Draft. Women are still permitted to use the disparity-of-force argument in court to argue lethal self-defense against a man. Men are often not afforded this legal argument (source).
Women need the protection of men. Feminism lies about this.
2. Feminism lies to Christian women about their bodies.
Only by pride cometh contention… — Proverbs 13:10a
It’s no surprise that there is a powerful difference in what a woman's body is capable of compared to a man’s body, namely child bearing. It is considered by feminists a superpower because men can’t do it, and yet simultaneously a curse and the cause of suffering and oppression. This is why feminism is the leading cause of abortion, truly a destroyer of worlds. Your body has a "superpower", but it can also make you suffer above all others. Therein are the lies.
And this lie is in the church as well.
Despite us rejecting abortion, many Christian women believe the lie that childbirth and motherhood are both superpowers, and yet are also the chiefest of sufferings. Thus, no one understands true suffering but women... and maybe Jesus, but mostly women. Don't take the bait on this.
First, many men have suffered incredible physical tortures and agonies for the freedoms of feminist women to complain. The sovereignty of men’s bodies was given for that liberty. That's what God made men good at.
We are all aware that childbirth hurts and there would be no more men without it. But there are many hurts in this world. Once a person believes they have the highest heights of suffering, there is nearly nothing they don't feel entitled to demand. And once they believe they have a superpower, there is nearly no one they feel they shouldn't be able to command. Thus, when Christian women believe birth and motherhood are simultaneously superpowers and the hardest things in the world, it can lead to pride and an entitlement mentality. And by this pride comes the contention of feminism.
Does it bother you when men speak of pain because “Well, you didn’t have to give birth!” If so, you’ve probably fallen to the pride of feminism and that is why you have contention with the men in your life.
3. Modern day feminism lies about careers.
Feminism says that career is the highest fulfillment, and yet nature seems to bear out that for women, motherhood is their highest sense of fulfillment. Many women who pursue careers early on, flip of their own volition by age thirty and pursue home life more. (source) Feminist interpreters of this data suggest it’s because they are forced to when in reality it’s that most choose it of their own volition for a variety of reasons. The Bible nowhere forbids a woman from working outside the home. The woman in Proverbs 31 seems to have done so a little. However, the Bible does teach what a woman’s priorities and highest fulfillments are in the home and family (Titus 2:5). Additionally, a woman will have far more autonomy being a wife and mother than she will ever have punching the clock for some employer, who in all statistical likelihood is a man anyway.
Our generation is presently learning the hard way that traditional, biblical roles and values have been rejected at our own peril. The overall happiness of women has been plummeting since the second wave of feminism (source). And American birth rates are in steep decline, which is a sign of a nation in decline.
4. Feminism lies about what marriage is.
Feminism says that marriage is a remnant of the “patriarchy.” This is revisionist history.
Marriage is an institution created by God intended to bless human beings with companionship, joy, romance, and productivity. There are some trends among Christian women that seem to suggest that they are waiting longer to marry than in prior generations in order to "live my life first." The fact is that religious, married couples are on average much happier and more fulfilled than their single counterparts (source). So why wait that long?
What feminism tells you is bondage is actually blessing. And modern research is even showing what we already knew — that authentically committed Christian men are in fact the most loving and committed husbands and fathers. (source)
5. Feminism lies about the traits of men.
Feminism teaches that women should be assertive, aggressive, stoic, ambitious, and so on. In other words, be men! Meanwhile, it also posits that the ideal man is some neutered, hyper-sensitive, shriveled up man with a personality more like that of a woman. No! Men should be Christ-like, strong, faithful, scholarly, wise, prepared, and at times even be assertive and aggressive. They must also have the ability to protect and defend others and sacrifice themselves. Men should be able to come through... in anything. Coming through is the God given purpose of men. It was of course demonstrated by Christ himself who came through for us in the most important self-sacrifice of all time. These traits are not toxic. They are, have been, and forever will be inherently masculine. And despite feminism suggesting that some of these manly traits are what drive domestic abuse, you might be surprised to know that women are actually the bigger offenders there.
6. Feminism lies about virtues — it exalts selfishness and hedonism.
One of the common lines of feminism is “I’m doing this for me” or “I need this for me.” Yet, the Bible exalts self-denial.
Feminism is selfishness justified in the name of perceived oppressions. It exalts hedonism in that you should only do a thing if it makes you happy. Self-denial and self-sacrifice is the higher virtue for us all. These virtues bring much greater joy, happiness, and fulfillment than selfishness and hedonism.
The common denominator in each lie of feminism is that women are missing out on something unless they pursue the same fulfillments as men. And these lies have been going on since the Garden of Eden when the serpent convinced Eve that God had withheld God-like discernment abilities from her by withholding the fruit. It's the same old satanic trick but in a modern-day wrapper.
In the fifth and final post in this series, I'll offer some final considerations on how our churches are feminizing boys, and what we can do to fix that.
Thomas Balzamo
Thomas Balzamo is an avid writer and a co-host of the Reason Together Podcast. He pastored a church in New England for eight years before the Lord moved him to Tennessee where he now lives and ministers in his local church.
You can read more of Thomas’s writing on his personal site, ThomasBalzamo.com